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Specializing in Addressing  Resistant Symptoms and Unexplained Illnesses, including Lyme.

Due to our family's personal experience with Lyme and other such illnesses, you won't hear us say your symptoms are all in your head.
Kerry Sprague
Meet Kerry


I thought you might be interested in why I decided to train in Auricular Medicine. Auricular Medicine became important to me when our family of four were hit with illnesses in which we received a montage of misdiagnoses, or no diagnoses, and treatment plans that proved ineffective. We found recovery from Lyme Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and a host of other issues plaguing us through this method that we could not find anywhere else, and we are thriving!


Symptoms we overcame were extreme fatigue, brain fog, memory issues, ADD, neuropathy, panic, anxiety, headaches, joint pain, body aches, dizziness, light sensitivity, nausea, intestinal issues, muscle twitches and weakness, sinus problems, and many others too long to list.  After our experiences, I wanted to help others who are in similar and frustrating positions: where no one believes you, or you have tried all medical routes you could think of with little to no success.​




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We address 
symptoms by going after the cause.
Auricular Evaluation

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Don and dog, Colby

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Helping you enjoy life again.

(And yes, the Sol Formulations have helped our dog and cats too!)

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